Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moving UP

We all come to times in our lives when we must move. Sometimes we move across the neighborhood, across town, or even across country. But, there are also times in our lives when we are to "move" spiritually. Are you at a crossroad in your life? As we look to move this weekend, I see it not only as a physical move but also a spiritual move. We will have a new home to set up but, in the same token we will also have new ground/territory to minister to. I am eager to see where God takes us in this time and where we will grow as a family. We are so blessed by the Church family we worship with and know that God is going to grow us in and beyond all that we've come to thus far.
Is God moving you? Or are you just sitting still? Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows HIS plans for us, plans for God and not for evil! He gives us the desires of our heart, no read that again, He gives us the desires of our hearts. If we are truly walking down the road He has put before us, then yes, our desires will be HIS! Don't grow weary, press into HIM! Be blessed to be a blessing!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am reminded of a time when Women took a great deal of their day to simply provide food, water and basic things for their families. We are a part of a much simpler time in that regard. Yet we choose very often to sow into our homes as though we've been asked to bear the weight of the world. Bitter as we load the dishwasher, frustrated because we have to put one more load in the washer, wondering "why me" as we grab that Swifter to sweep our floors. We've gone into this mission with each of us having our own sets of expectations, but have we come this far to still be stuck in them?
I simply want to ask you to remember your love ones as you don't have to hand wash your dishes, don't have to scrub your clothes on a wash board, and well, don't have to use a straw broom! We've all got so much to be grateful for, we are but to pause our "fleshly" thoughts and desires long enough to stop and PRAISE HIM!
Be blessed and know that God loves you!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Opening Day

Today begins a journey! The Lord placed a very precious Ministry on my heart a number of years ago. Since then, I have served in several Women's Ministry areas and now find myself in a brand new place. This blog will be a way to document this process and watch us grow into a wonderful place for Women to find support and encouragement. Hope you enjoy the journey with us.