Friday, October 31, 2008

Daddy Jesus

Are you seeking somehting in your life right now? Are you in a season of quiet? Do you know that our God has many names in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, we call Him Father! Our weather now makes me want to fix a cup of coffee, grab a book, and curl up and read. Do you long to just curl up in someone's arms and share all of the woes of the day. Do know that you have a heavenly Father that is always ready and available for you to crawl up into His lap and find that TLC we all need! Find peace and comfort in the one True God, the Father of your creation!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Leftovers Again?

Leftovers.....again!!!!! How much of that dish did we make?!!!...
No, this is not about...cousin Harry's triple-fried chicken or our own energy-producing five-bean chili! This addictive leftover is the ultimate classic: Have you ever served yourself rehash of the past?
Somewhere, somehow, someone hurt us and we have kept that wound in our active memory, pressing rewind and play in the theatre of our minds. With each rehearsal, we see it all and feel it all and digest it all over again...
Jesus tells us that this leftover is lethal: "If you do not forgive men their sins, neither will your Father forgive your sins" (Matthew 6:15)...
Forgiving means we stop pressing rewind and play. Forgiving means we refuse to let our minds house the moldy leftovers of other's sins against us.
Alicia Britt Chole

Have you ever been there, are you there now!??! After reading this during my devotion, I thought of times myself that I hit rewind! You know, it isn't just about people, have you ever picked up that habit again? You know the one, every time you fast, pray, or even go to the alter at Church, you put it down, one more time! I want to challenge us all to absolutely lay it down! Walk away today! Know that in Psalm 121, God tells us He is always awake, knows our coming and going! Do you trust Him to follow you? Do know when you need Him? Do we ask? Trust and obey, there is no other way, to be Happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!
Love and Peace to you all!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Are you ready?

Are you ready? The new school year is here. Do you realize that 3 months have come and gone?!!? Wonder how many of us as adults really realize that our lives move in the same fashion? We tend to move with God in seasons, picking one, two, three, or sometimes even all four to wait on God before we make a move in our lives. My question is.....Are we waiting on God to speak or are we waiting to put our feet in action to make the move we already know God has positioned us to make. The seasons change, we adjust our wardrobe but do we check our shoes for wear? To be sure we are using them to the fullest for our Savior?
We just completed another season of Prayer and Fasting at our Church. I was praying for direction and several areas of my life. God answered that for me and due to obediance even before the fasting time was over. You know, He even gives us confirmation if we but obey Him first. Listen and obey. Know that as we read in Psalm 121, God is our Protector and Provider and He never sleeps!
Are you ready? Are you listening to the Savior! Pick THIS season to reach out and do what the Savior has called you to do!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Are we aware?

Are we really aware? Do we really ever stop and prepare ourselves for the things to come? God gives us the wisdom to go into all that we do with mercy and grace. How often do we actually stop and do it! We just finished VBS at our church. (Literally 4 hours ago) Were we prepared as workers or even parents of the environment? Did we prepare ourselves and /or our children with the armor we/they need in order to fight the good fight? In retrospect, I realize I didn't prepare my own children for the influences that come in such an environment. Take time today to reflect on the things in you circle that may require you "to be aware" and get ready to stand against whatever may come your way. Our spirit and our children are precious commodities, let's be careful to prepare them and ourselves for whatever comes our way. The devil lurks in many forms, even where you least expect!
Be blessed and aware!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Are you REALLY hungry for God?

Are you really hungry for God? Are you waiting for some amazing word or plan to drop into your lap? Well, guess what, God is waiting on you! He never promised that we would just wake up one morning and just KNOW what he wants us to do in our lives. He gave us all we were ever going to need upon our Salvation. We absolutely need to wake up and seek HIM and learn how to use it. You don't learn how to bake a cake simply by gathering all the ingredient do you? No, you have to either be told or read a recipe. Well, our lives are the same way, we must seek His Word, the Bible and let the Word breathe on us and allow us to hear from God. I know that there are seasons in our lives, trust me with 5 kids I know, that you are only able to squeeze in time for a verse! But, know that that verse will turn into so much more when that time is set apart for God and for the receiving of His holy word for us. Be still and Know He tells us! Again I remind us, be still, and know.....we have to spend time with Him to KNOW! Have a blessed day and know that God's best is there for you, seek Him and KNOW!

Are you REALLY hungry for God?

Saturday, June 21, 2008


How many times do we complain that someone else isn't doing something or isn't getting something done? Do we spend too much time waiting for everyone else to do anything? Maybe that is because we often complain about what we are guilty of ourselves. Ouch! Take an assessment of these things and ask yourself just how important they really are! Very often they really aren't or maybe they are things we should or could be doing ourselves. Possibly we could teach someone else to it too. That way, we choose to lead and benefit those around us. Or, maybe we could pray that someone will rise up to take that position. When we choose to live a generous lifestyle sewing seed into others, we too will receive growth. God sends those to help sharpen us but we too are sent out to do the same. How we do that absolutely reflects our walk with God to those in our path. Lets be aware of how we treat those that we spend the most time with. As our last post mentions, we often start fires we'd no idea we'd ignited. Be aware that by being Christ-like is our goal, right? Then we need to spend our time wisely, invest in what matters for the Kingdom and let go of what we can. Trust me, God will find someone else to do what ever you are clinging to. At home, Church, work, ministry, or even with your friends. We can only hold onto soo many things and do them right. Live for God this week. Sew seeds of generosity. And look for those in your life you need to love on! We are blessed to be a blessing! Choose to pray first, and move second!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Are you a fire starter?

Have you ever noticed a trail of brokenness that seems follow you around? Have you ever wondered why people really don't open up to you? No one ever asks you for advice? Could it be from your speech? Your failure to listen?
As we are studying Can We Talk by Priscilla Shier tells us, alot of what we seem to "reap" comes from our spoken words, or maybe even the didn't say. You know the words you were just itching to say and just dumped out onto the conversation....the ones you soon realized should has kept itching in your mouth. James tells us many things about the mouth. We see in James 1:19"Understand this, my dear brother and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry", and verse 26 tells us "If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless". We spend so much time concerning ourselves about what to where, where to go, and what to eat, and not so much time concerning ourselves about what we should say!
Take some time and really reflect upon all that comes forth into your world and remember "the power of life and death is in the power of the tongue". Go forth and speak life into your world!
Live Beautifully : )

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Are you listening?

As Women, we often over look the little things, important ones, in pursuit of what the world has deemed to be our purpose. Do we give ourselves the time, opportunity, albeit the luxury of time with God. Do we yield to hear Him. We will by all means stop everything, even time with our children to "listen" to a friend in "need". Do we really listen to them, hear what they really need? Stop and yield to the will of God? Often we find ourselves yielding our convictions to "go there" with others. May we focus this week on the "ears to hear" God mentions in Isaiah 30:21. He will give us the direction we need in every area of our lives.
The little things we seem to allow to get in our way can come in many forms. Distraction of perfection, pursuit of "pieces", anything that keeps your focus off of what truly matters and from what God has divinely placed you to do! I know from my own life that the idea of the keeping my house up like anyone else does in just not in my calling! There are seven bodies in our home and various pets from time to time and we love to entertain. Keep the base boards clean, heaven help me, just isn't happening. You know, I even decided after the twins were born to adopt the mind set that people were hopefully coming to see us and not my house. That way I could take the focus off of getting them in the door and enjoy the time I would have with them. Ministering to anyone?
As we get this Mom's group together as our Campus, please pray that those who come will receive a blessing and maybe even a new friendship!
Blessings and peace as we dive into summer! Remember to stop and listen, even if it is while you are doing the dishes. Also, go to the throne, instead of the phone!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Unity, what a word. Have you ever really thought on it? Today in our small group we saw a version of it I'd love to see throughout all the Church's who serve the Lord. We saw Chonda Pearce share her testimony about her season of depression and how the group she attend just simply thanked her for sharing. They didn't tell her to get connected, read one more scripture, or tell her to go worship. They simply said thank you and next. WOW what a revelation. How many times have you just wanted someone to LISTEN? I know for myself, last spring was that time for me. I didn't end up in a rehab but, I can surely relate to the awakening to the "dark" everyday and wondering when it will pass. Thank God for Medical Doctors that listen and believe!!!! My doctor suggested meds and when that wasn't working and I sought a herbal solution, he trusted me and supported me! My husband, God love him, heard the medical terms, sought prayer and just trusted I would be okay and jumped in to help with the kids. You know, that is about the time the Lord lead us to Celebration. Praise God. Fatigue filled body and all, I worshiped and slowly the pain would subside, song by song! I'd wonder why I couldn't make my bed or vacuum without having to stop or catch my breathe. Now looking back, well, you get the picture, we are to praise Him no matter what! That was my source of healing and praise God my husband LOVES music and we have lots to choose from. Okay, the unity part. Well, we have a burden, something we seem to be dealing with or have recently and WHO might you know going through the same or about to? Could/should we not come along side them and present a unified front to those that come against us/them. The Bible tells us where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is also. What more could you ask for. We are but to seek His face and know that......we are never alone!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Settling In

It is amazing the things we find when we move! Not only the items but also the memories. As we settle into our new house, I am reminded of Jeremiah 29:11-13 that tells us "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." We fervently prayed about where God would have us to move for several months. We saw God open doors that would then close and wonder "Why?" only to see another. God brought to use these scriptures as well Psalm 121 and 127. Knowing that all things work together for good for those who believe in Him! We continued to press forward knowing that God would see us through. Now I can see where our belongings "fit" so well into our house and will soon become our home. I invite you to look around your dwelling and see what may be there that just doesn't fit. Something that could cause you not to see God's plan for you, your family, your life as a whole. God moves us daily into perfection through Him, if we but yield to Him.
As we see our new semester for Small Groups draw near, excitement arises! An eagerness to see change and growth. To see people set free! I invite you to check out the Spot on and see what might minister to you. We will be introducing several new Life Builders groups, but personally I am excited about the new Mom's group. My vision is big and know that God is even Bigger. Eager to see the direction that God takes us in. So glad to be a part of such a cutting edge Church that sees a need for a group of people and allows it to work into the fabric of the Church. Be on the lookout for more info around the OP campus! And here!
Please keep all the children we help feed in Africa in your prayers this week! I truly believe that we can make a difference in our world through prayer. God bless and keep each of you and know that God is always by your side protecting you and never sleeps! (Ps. 121)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moving UP

We all come to times in our lives when we must move. Sometimes we move across the neighborhood, across town, or even across country. But, there are also times in our lives when we are to "move" spiritually. Are you at a crossroad in your life? As we look to move this weekend, I see it not only as a physical move but also a spiritual move. We will have a new home to set up but, in the same token we will also have new ground/territory to minister to. I am eager to see where God takes us in this time and where we will grow as a family. We are so blessed by the Church family we worship with and know that God is going to grow us in and beyond all that we've come to thus far.
Is God moving you? Or are you just sitting still? Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows HIS plans for us, plans for God and not for evil! He gives us the desires of our heart, no read that again, He gives us the desires of our hearts. If we are truly walking down the road He has put before us, then yes, our desires will be HIS! Don't grow weary, press into HIM! Be blessed to be a blessing!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am reminded of a time when Women took a great deal of their day to simply provide food, water and basic things for their families. We are a part of a much simpler time in that regard. Yet we choose very often to sow into our homes as though we've been asked to bear the weight of the world. Bitter as we load the dishwasher, frustrated because we have to put one more load in the washer, wondering "why me" as we grab that Swifter to sweep our floors. We've gone into this mission with each of us having our own sets of expectations, but have we come this far to still be stuck in them?
I simply want to ask you to remember your love ones as you don't have to hand wash your dishes, don't have to scrub your clothes on a wash board, and well, don't have to use a straw broom! We've all got so much to be grateful for, we are but to pause our "fleshly" thoughts and desires long enough to stop and PRAISE HIM!
Be blessed and know that God loves you!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Opening Day

Today begins a journey! The Lord placed a very precious Ministry on my heart a number of years ago. Since then, I have served in several Women's Ministry areas and now find myself in a brand new place. This blog will be a way to document this process and watch us grow into a wonderful place for Women to find support and encouragement. Hope you enjoy the journey with us.