Friday, August 29, 2008

Leftovers Again?

Leftovers.....again!!!!! How much of that dish did we make?!!!...
No, this is not about...cousin Harry's triple-fried chicken or our own energy-producing five-bean chili! This addictive leftover is the ultimate classic: Have you ever served yourself rehash of the past?
Somewhere, somehow, someone hurt us and we have kept that wound in our active memory, pressing rewind and play in the theatre of our minds. With each rehearsal, we see it all and feel it all and digest it all over again...
Jesus tells us that this leftover is lethal: "If you do not forgive men their sins, neither will your Father forgive your sins" (Matthew 6:15)...
Forgiving means we stop pressing rewind and play. Forgiving means we refuse to let our minds house the moldy leftovers of other's sins against us.
Alicia Britt Chole

Have you ever been there, are you there now!??! After reading this during my devotion, I thought of times myself that I hit rewind! You know, it isn't just about people, have you ever picked up that habit again? You know the one, every time you fast, pray, or even go to the alter at Church, you put it down, one more time! I want to challenge us all to absolutely lay it down! Walk away today! Know that in Psalm 121, God tells us He is always awake, knows our coming and going! Do you trust Him to follow you? Do know when you need Him? Do we ask? Trust and obey, there is no other way, to be Happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!
Love and Peace to you all!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Are you ready?

Are you ready? The new school year is here. Do you realize that 3 months have come and gone?!!? Wonder how many of us as adults really realize that our lives move in the same fashion? We tend to move with God in seasons, picking one, two, three, or sometimes even all four to wait on God before we make a move in our lives. My question is.....Are we waiting on God to speak or are we waiting to put our feet in action to make the move we already know God has positioned us to make. The seasons change, we adjust our wardrobe but do we check our shoes for wear? To be sure we are using them to the fullest for our Savior?
We just completed another season of Prayer and Fasting at our Church. I was praying for direction and several areas of my life. God answered that for me and due to obediance even before the fasting time was over. You know, He even gives us confirmation if we but obey Him first. Listen and obey. Know that as we read in Psalm 121, God is our Protector and Provider and He never sleeps!
Are you ready? Are you listening to the Savior! Pick THIS season to reach out and do what the Savior has called you to do!