Sunday, June 29, 2008

Are you REALLY hungry for God?

Are you really hungry for God? Are you waiting for some amazing word or plan to drop into your lap? Well, guess what, God is waiting on you! He never promised that we would just wake up one morning and just KNOW what he wants us to do in our lives. He gave us all we were ever going to need upon our Salvation. We absolutely need to wake up and seek HIM and learn how to use it. You don't learn how to bake a cake simply by gathering all the ingredient do you? No, you have to either be told or read a recipe. Well, our lives are the same way, we must seek His Word, the Bible and let the Word breathe on us and allow us to hear from God. I know that there are seasons in our lives, trust me with 5 kids I know, that you are only able to squeeze in time for a verse! But, know that that verse will turn into so much more when that time is set apart for God and for the receiving of His holy word for us. Be still and Know He tells us! Again I remind us, be still, and know.....we have to spend time with Him to KNOW! Have a blessed day and know that God's best is there for you, seek Him and KNOW!

Are you REALLY hungry for God?

Saturday, June 21, 2008


How many times do we complain that someone else isn't doing something or isn't getting something done? Do we spend too much time waiting for everyone else to do anything? Maybe that is because we often complain about what we are guilty of ourselves. Ouch! Take an assessment of these things and ask yourself just how important they really are! Very often they really aren't or maybe they are things we should or could be doing ourselves. Possibly we could teach someone else to it too. That way, we choose to lead and benefit those around us. Or, maybe we could pray that someone will rise up to take that position. When we choose to live a generous lifestyle sewing seed into others, we too will receive growth. God sends those to help sharpen us but we too are sent out to do the same. How we do that absolutely reflects our walk with God to those in our path. Lets be aware of how we treat those that we spend the most time with. As our last post mentions, we often start fires we'd no idea we'd ignited. Be aware that by being Christ-like is our goal, right? Then we need to spend our time wisely, invest in what matters for the Kingdom and let go of what we can. Trust me, God will find someone else to do what ever you are clinging to. At home, Church, work, ministry, or even with your friends. We can only hold onto soo many things and do them right. Live for God this week. Sew seeds of generosity. And look for those in your life you need to love on! We are blessed to be a blessing! Choose to pray first, and move second!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Are you a fire starter?

Have you ever noticed a trail of brokenness that seems follow you around? Have you ever wondered why people really don't open up to you? No one ever asks you for advice? Could it be from your speech? Your failure to listen?
As we are studying Can We Talk by Priscilla Shier tells us, alot of what we seem to "reap" comes from our spoken words, or maybe even the didn't say. You know the words you were just itching to say and just dumped out onto the conversation....the ones you soon realized should has kept itching in your mouth. James tells us many things about the mouth. We see in James 1:19"Understand this, my dear brother and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry", and verse 26 tells us "If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless". We spend so much time concerning ourselves about what to where, where to go, and what to eat, and not so much time concerning ourselves about what we should say!
Take some time and really reflect upon all that comes forth into your world and remember "the power of life and death is in the power of the tongue". Go forth and speak life into your world!
Live Beautifully : )

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Are you listening?

As Women, we often over look the little things, important ones, in pursuit of what the world has deemed to be our purpose. Do we give ourselves the time, opportunity, albeit the luxury of time with God. Do we yield to hear Him. We will by all means stop everything, even time with our children to "listen" to a friend in "need". Do we really listen to them, hear what they really need? Stop and yield to the will of God? Often we find ourselves yielding our convictions to "go there" with others. May we focus this week on the "ears to hear" God mentions in Isaiah 30:21. He will give us the direction we need in every area of our lives.
The little things we seem to allow to get in our way can come in many forms. Distraction of perfection, pursuit of "pieces", anything that keeps your focus off of what truly matters and from what God has divinely placed you to do! I know from my own life that the idea of the keeping my house up like anyone else does in just not in my calling! There are seven bodies in our home and various pets from time to time and we love to entertain. Keep the base boards clean, heaven help me, just isn't happening. You know, I even decided after the twins were born to adopt the mind set that people were hopefully coming to see us and not my house. That way I could take the focus off of getting them in the door and enjoy the time I would have with them. Ministering to anyone?
As we get this Mom's group together as our Campus, please pray that those who come will receive a blessing and maybe even a new friendship!
Blessings and peace as we dive into summer! Remember to stop and listen, even if it is while you are doing the dishes. Also, go to the throne, instead of the phone!