Sunday, June 29, 2008

Are you REALLY hungry for God?

Are you really hungry for God? Are you waiting for some amazing word or plan to drop into your lap? Well, guess what, God is waiting on you! He never promised that we would just wake up one morning and just KNOW what he wants us to do in our lives. He gave us all we were ever going to need upon our Salvation. We absolutely need to wake up and seek HIM and learn how to use it. You don't learn how to bake a cake simply by gathering all the ingredient do you? No, you have to either be told or read a recipe. Well, our lives are the same way, we must seek His Word, the Bible and let the Word breathe on us and allow us to hear from God. I know that there are seasons in our lives, trust me with 5 kids I know, that you are only able to squeeze in time for a verse! But, know that that verse will turn into so much more when that time is set apart for God and for the receiving of His holy word for us. Be still and Know He tells us! Again I remind us, be still, and know.....we have to spend time with Him to KNOW! Have a blessed day and know that God's best is there for you, seek Him and KNOW!

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