Saturday, June 21, 2008


How many times do we complain that someone else isn't doing something or isn't getting something done? Do we spend too much time waiting for everyone else to do anything? Maybe that is because we often complain about what we are guilty of ourselves. Ouch! Take an assessment of these things and ask yourself just how important they really are! Very often they really aren't or maybe they are things we should or could be doing ourselves. Possibly we could teach someone else to it too. That way, we choose to lead and benefit those around us. Or, maybe we could pray that someone will rise up to take that position. When we choose to live a generous lifestyle sewing seed into others, we too will receive growth. God sends those to help sharpen us but we too are sent out to do the same. How we do that absolutely reflects our walk with God to those in our path. Lets be aware of how we treat those that we spend the most time with. As our last post mentions, we often start fires we'd no idea we'd ignited. Be aware that by being Christ-like is our goal, right? Then we need to spend our time wisely, invest in what matters for the Kingdom and let go of what we can. Trust me, God will find someone else to do what ever you are clinging to. At home, Church, work, ministry, or even with your friends. We can only hold onto soo many things and do them right. Live for God this week. Sew seeds of generosity. And look for those in your life you need to love on! We are blessed to be a blessing! Choose to pray first, and move second!

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